social classes and crime

     Television programs have created many stereotypes about social class divisions and how they relate with crime. When you watch any television program rather it be reality, drama, or comedy they all have pretty much the same view on this topic and create the same type of stereotype. This stereotype is that the lower class are the ones who commit the crimes. In television programs people from the lower class who commit crimes are shown to be the type of people that are maybe in some type of organized crime group. Rather the goal of the group is to make profit from drugs, prostitution or any other illegal way to make money, all the members are from the lower class. I also find that the media often shows people from the lower classes in television shows as to be non Caucasian. In reality the relationship between social class and crime is similar but also very different at the same time. In real life both people from higher class social statuses and lower class statuses commit crimes but they are normally different types of crimes. People from higher classes tend to commit non violent crimes where as people from lower classes commit more violent crimes but typically because they have to to survive. For example the Bling Ring were a group of teens that were little bit higher class broke into minor celebrities homes and stole clothing and jewelry, this is a non violent crime.  In the video we watched about the Bloods and Crips the people in these two gangs had committed more violent crimes but they committed those crimes so they could protect what was theirs. people who joined the Bloods and Crips joined so they can help bring back stuff for their families and so they could survive whereas the teens that were part of the Bling Ring just did it just to see if they could do it and so that they could have all these new things to themselves and feel more apart of the higher class division. The stereotypes created by television programs are manufactured but in some little ways they can also be real.           


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