Why do people commit crimes?

People commit crime for many different reasons, it could be because of the people they surround themselves with or it could even be just simply that they chose to commit the crime. There has been many different theories as to why people actually do commit crimes, personally I feel that people have a choice when it comes to committing crimes, we either choose to commit the crime or we don't its just that simple. However I believe that peoples choices are influenced by what they were taught, how they were raised as a child, and their morals. For example say someone grows up in a neighborhood where drugs are a big influence in a lot of peoples lives and there's lots of gang violence. This person may come to a point in their life where they have a choice to either be apart of the gang violence and drugs, and because they grew up around it their entire life they may be more likely to take the wrong path but that doesn't mean they don't have a choice, they can choose to not be apart of drug abuse and gangs. I believe that unless someone is threatening to kill us or kill people we care about you always have a choice no one can force us to do anything we don't want to do. Say someone grows up surrounded by anger, violence and abuse, that person when put into a stressful situation where someone is making them unbelievably angry could resort to violence as a solution just simply because that's the only way they understand how to deal with anger, or they could choose to find help and figure out a different way to deal with their anger instead of hurting people. We will always have choices in our lives and for some of us committing a crime is just one of the many choices that could come up, but we can choose to make the decision that we feel is the right thing to do, we don't have to go by what we were taught or anything like that we can all make decisions for ourselves.


  1. Thanks for the post Madison. You seem to be influenced by Social Structure and Learning theories along with modern rational choice theory as well. This was well thought out but I missed the part where you were supposed to find a crime that took place and use your theory to explain it. Otherwise well done!


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