good burglars

In order to be considered a good burglar there are four characteristics you must have according to Neal Shover.  A good burglar should posses many skills needed to commit a successful break and enter. Some of these skills may be gaining entry to peoples homes, choosing items with a high retail value, opening safes with out causing a significant amount of damage being done, and using proper equipment. The second characteristic is that the person should be able to team up and form some sort of criminal gang by choosing trust worthy members that can help get the job done. Another characteristic is that the burglar should have inside information or be able to gain inside information so they know what they need to do to be successful. The last characteristic is that the burglar should have fences or buyers lined up to purchase the stolen property they had stolen and know how to safely sell the stolen goods for profit. I think that the development of a good burglar is explained by the social learning theories. Neil Shover explained that someone becomes a good burglar by learning from older more experienced burglars. One social learning theory is that criminal behaviour is learned as a byproduct of interacting with others. This theory states that people learn their criminal behaviours by someone who acts as a teacher and guides them while learning. In order to protect yourself from a being victimized by a good burglar make sure to lock everything in your house, invest in some good security cameras, and get a dog. Also try getting to know your neighbors so people can keep an eye on your house if you are away. These are all good ways to prevent being a victim of a burglary.  


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