Auto theft

Auto theft happens all around the world, In Canada the most auto theft happens in Alberta in places like Fort McMurray.  Auto theft happens normally for the same five different reasons, Transportation (short and long term), joyriding, to commit another crime, and profit. When people steal cars for transportation they either use the car for short term or long term purposes. If someone was to use a car for short term purposes it normally means that they are just using it to transport themselves to a different city and then ditch the car after. I f someone were to steal a car for long term purposes they would normally switch the licenses plates with their own licenses plates for long term purposes. Cars that are stolen are normally stolen by kids between the ages of twelve and fifteen opposed to older people. After cars are used for joy rides they are often either burned or drowned in a river or lake. Some people may steal cars in order to commit another crime instead of using their own car for the crime. If they do this it is harder for the police to track them down giving them a higher opportunity to get away with the crime. Often cars are stolen for profit rather than any other kind of use. People will steal cars and then take them to chop shops so they can be stripped and the cars individual parts that are worth more than the car itself can be sold for profit. The most common vehicle stolen is a Ford F-350 of all different kinds of models and years. A ford F-350 is the most common vehicle stolen all across Canada. The rates for auto theft in Alberta are 536 per 100,000 people, and in British Columbia the rates are 295 per 100,000 people. For all of Canada the rates are 217 per 100,000 people. In order to stop car theft from happening cops have used many different methods, For example one method is to place a fluorescent sticker on a car that indicates that the car will never be used between on and five am. This way if a cop sees a car with the fluorescent sticker placed on it driving between those hours they know that the car could be stolen. ways we can protect ourselves from car theft is by locking our car doors, parking the car in the garage if you have one, and not leaving your car running while you run into a store. These are all ways you can prevent car theft from happening to you and people around you.


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