What are the impacts on victims of crime?

The impacts of a crime that happens to someone could vary from person to person, one person could be angry and want revenge or another person could be scared or embarrassed and go into isolation it all depends on the type crime that they are a victim of and the person. As we so in the episode of law and order we watched, the character Harper was a victim of a power rape. After Harper was already assaulted she had to go through a series of questions and invasive tests that needed to be done for a rape kit. Harper had to relive through the assault that had just happened to her so its almost like she was assaulted again. Typically these are the factors of short term impacts on victims of violent crimes. further into the episode a few months after the assault had happened to Harper she had moved on from what had happened to her and just didn't want to have to talk about it anymore. She had convinced herself that she was perfectly fine but in reality her life had completely changed. Her and her boyfriend had broken up, she lost her job, she wasn't sleeping, when she went to bed she would wear running shoes, she cut off her hair, and moved to a different apartment that compared to her old apartment was pretty grey and didn't have as much color as her old on did. These are all examples of long term impacts on violent crime victims. This episode did a pretty good job of showing the short and long term impacts on victims of violent crime however there are also many more examples of the impacts on victims. Take this news report as an example https://globalnews.ca/news/3788068/ontario-man-who-sexually-abused-daughters-nieces-deemed-dangerous-offender/ . These girls were young when someone they trusted sexually assaulted them many times. These girls could now grow up feeling scared and not being able to trust men. They could also grow up to become anti social or maybe just simply isolate themselves because they are scared. All these things could potentially happen in the long term impacts of what happened to these girls. as for the short term, these girls are mostly pretty young so it would be extremely traumatic  for them and then they would also have to talk to police and having to talk to big strong people in uniforms would also be pretty scary for an eight year old. these are just some of the examples of the short and long term impacts on these girls there could also be many more things that could happen. 


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