is school one of the most dangerous places for students?

Studies show that violent crimes peak in youth opposed to older people, so does this mean that schools are one of the most dangerous places for students? In my opinion I feel as if school isn't necessarily safe but it also isn't necessarily unsafe. I believe that it really depends on the school the students go to and where the school is, for example if a student goes to a school that's in a really bad area where there's lots of violence and drugs around and the teachers aren't all that involved with their students there may be a higher risk of youth violence in that school or even drug related crimes. Don't get me wrong I know that there are drug related crimes and even violence in every school but as we learned previously in this criminology course, depending on where someone lives or what kind of people they surround themselves with they could be more likely to commit a crime or be a victim of a crime. I also think that if teachers and even parents are involved and help point the students in the right direction in life schools are safer and more enjoyable. In Canada we have extremely strict gun laws opposed to the united states, this means that it is a lot harder for youth to get a hold of guns of any kind and bring them to school. Since we have these stricter gun laws we don't exactly have to worry about shootings in our schools, they do happen, but they aren't as common as they would be in the united sates. Overall schools in Canada aren't all that unsafe for students, there's gonna be bullying and a fight once in a while and even drugs but we don't need to worry about going to school and being killed. This is a link to a news report from 2013 that shows that students have different answers about whether or not school is safe depending on where they go to school.


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