
Showing posts from December, 2017

Scooby Doo

Scooby Doo is a long running children's cartoon that many people, including me, loved or still do love. Many people don't realize though that Scooby Doo is typically kids first step into learning and understanding crime, however Scooby Doo does have somethings about it that are questionable.  In Scooby Doo it is shown that you can be one of two things if you are a girl, you can either pretty but dumb or, smart but frumpy. If I were a kid watching this I would learn that I can either be smart or, good looking but not both. Scooby Doo is communicated in a way that is easy for children to relate to and understand. It is also bright a colourful and normally deals with pretty light subjects so kids will enjoy the show and the shows profit will go up because of how many people are watching it. In Scooby Doo being good looking and white is shown in a pretty positive light, for example there are no characters of different skin colours shown in the cartoon, and if there is a character o...